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Little by Little…Bit by Bit…That’s How Europe and the Western Civilization Were Lost

It wasn’t feudalism that was abolished, but chivalry, valor, and honor. Not the humanly corrupt institutionalized church that was separated from the state in Europe, but Faith in the Most High, uprightness, and self-effacement. Not anti-progression traditionalism that is under fire in these dark days of ours, but the highest teachings for the upbuilding of man of the Renaissance, the Age of Reason, and the Enlightenment: to transcend with one’s mind, body, and spirit to their highest form and realize their full potential. 

You are told that you are Evil incarnate if you trust your own perceptive faculties or understanding vis-á-vis any aspect of life. That it is criminal and extreme to disagree with the popular mind. That to be a good citizen you should never contemplate any thought in the question form—except when it comes to self-evident and observable truths, especially about your genitalia, thereby detaching yourself from the corporeal reality entirely. 

You are misled to believe at an early age that your own mother and father, who brought you into this world and have toiled day and night to nurture and protect you, and would cheerfully lay down their lives for your sake, pose a great threat to your freedom and well-being; whilst the righteous woke state is your sworn protector against their tyranny.

It is the same righteous woke state that has usurped power in the sphere of academia and proscribed free and critical thinking in the name of protecting “marginalized and vulnerable” groups who are prone to commit suicide if and when incontrovertible truths and realities contradict their “opinion and identity; but simultaneously promotes the notion that wiping out 7.5 billion human lives—in an organic way, mind you—is necessary to preserve planet earth [emphasis added]. 

It further discourages you from partaking in the most godly act possible for humans, procreation; whilst luring you to undergo mutilating surgical procedures with dire consequences that would make you dependent on long term medication and treatment that, in turn, would drain your finances and psychological health. 


And does it stop there? No!


The woke state, which purports itself as a humble servant and guardian of women from men, offers the rapist class of the latter the option to transfer between prisons with a few strokes of a pen to resume their predatory work; the result of which is well known to any person with reasonable intelligence: more traumatized women hateful of the other gender. 

But that of course does not qualify for “circus”—to keep the absent-minded crowd entertained. Trans-“women” in female MMA cracking biological women’s skulls does [emphasis added]. Undoubtedly, the half-witted crowd championing the universality of “choice” rush to the defense of this despicable feat of violence against the fairer, even weaker, sex, and the born of hell woke state sponsoring it. Meanwhile, in reality, it is nothing other than a legalized and public indulgence in tormenting and destroying women, both physically and psychologically.

This is far from being the end of it, unfortunately! They bring sexual psychopaths (AKA DRAG “queens”) to gleefully pervert and molest children in broad daylight. Then, they release their well-trained hounds—companies like Balenciaga—to fetch the game, i.e. the popular mind, and propagate for the normalization of pedophilia: a practice that even the demons in the darkest corner of hell detest. 


Do you begin to see now?


For the truth of the matter is this: 

You are led to believe that you’re supported and cared for, whilst in truth you’re being removed and isolated from your support system, your family. Women, more than men, must hearken unto me here. They turn you against your man, promising you heaven is behind the divorce door, only to lure you out in the open, unprotected. Subsequently, you are instantly put in the impossible situation of being a single parent in the fast-paced and heavily taxed 21st century. 

Shortly thereafter, you become the subject of a diabolical and systematic propaganda aimed at drawing a wedge between you and the fruit of thy womb; via planting that rubbish idea, that not having children (on top of not having a man) would solve all you problems and life difficulties. You are indoctrinated with the nonsense that only a career can add meaning and value to your life. Then what…? Nothingness. Nothing but nothingness! 


What good is success if you don’t believe in the existence of an Almighty God, whom you seek to glorify with the work of your life? Or, what purpose does it serve, if you don’t have loved ones to benefit from and enjoy the fruit of your success, which is the source of any normal person’s earthly contentment?


WHAT?! The betterment of the human race? Oh PLEASE! Whatever your pronouns may be! The very term, human, is offensive, misogynistic, and hateful, bigoted, racist and alienating according to the doctrine of the righteous woke state that you worship!