Water is one of the most essential elements of earthly life, second in imperativeness to none, except for oxygen, with respect to the human form of life. It contributes to approximately 71% of our planet’s total composition (Williams, 2014). “…In some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water;” in terms of human vital organs and body parts; “According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.” (“The Water in You: Water and the Human Body”)
To put it in perspective, severe dehydration detrimentally impairs the functionality of all vital organs. Surely, not all forms of water are fit for human consumption. The human body is heavily dependent on safe (uncontaminated) fresh water intake. Unfortunately, fresh water percentage of Earth’s water is infinitesimal: constituting a shy 3.5% thereof, while the remaining 96.5% is all saltwater (Williams, 2014). Furthermore, that 3.5% does not all exist in readily drinkable liquid form: “Of that fresh water, almost all of it takes the form of ice: 69% of it, to be exact. If you could melt all that ice, and the Earth’s surface was perfectly smooth, the sea levels would rise to an altitude of 2.7 km.” (Williams, 2014)
Thence, being the innovative species that we are, humans developed desalination technology and put it to application on a global scale. Notwithstanding Herculean desalination projects and enterprises the world over, and UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP), the responders to a public survey report by UNESCO titled, “World in 2030,” echoed quite a legitimate universal concern vis-á-vis future security of safe drinking water. In fact, their worries are well-founded. “UNESCO Director-General Audre Azoulay said the world will face a global water shortage of 40% by 2030. The water shortage situation will be aggravated by other global problems, including the consequences of the pandemic,” (Valdai Discussion Club).
The Valdai Discussion Club has provided a very useful infographic on its website, that succinctly summarizes the water security challenge down the road:
Alas! Apart from think tanks, environmental and climate change researchers and scientists, and the United Nations, seldom do we hear or read about such an existential challenge.
But, we shouldn’t be hasty to denounce and reprimand news outlets (AKA ‘empty-content-providers’). There’s no foul in ‘the earth is another far far away planet’ cloaked under the ‘absent-mindedness’ charade; nor in the human species are just ‘reproducing (i.e. a ‘politically correct’ euphemism for solely-sexual-breed) social animals’ approach. Even better, why don’t we keep the discussion at a waist-circumference-level i.e. closest to the genital organs, that wholly occupy our thought and dominate our actions?
Nine years isn’t that long period of time! It’ll pass in a blink: during which we’ll be embroiled in that byzantine quarrel of ours over sexual preferences and orientations. No one cares about a certain athlete’s openness regarding their sexual orientation, whilst people are unable to find a glass of safe drinking water when thirsty—not even that athlete themself would care, should they be under such a condition. The public has grown weary and quite blasé about this entire brushing substantial-content-bankruptcy under the carpet practice.
Rest assured, the human brain is capable of transcending above sexual impulses, dirt on celebrities, and pitiable social dissection on the basis of gender and race. Climate change, with everything it entails; social and communal integration, mending, and reconciliation; the universal acceptance of human life, as it is, in spite of any particulars; finally, the technological advancement requisite for our survival as a species; such topics are worth reporting and discussing. A family feud, royal or not, is not paramount for the survival of the human race.
The danger of the ‘absent-mindedness’ charade lies in the reality that it has been exported as a state of mind to the average individual. People would skip reading an e-mail or a web-post with a title that has the faintest signature of a doom and gloom tone. It is an appalling state of selective-unconsciousness, for it has been cultivated and affixed by conscious volition fueled by sheer despair. The difficulty is never that the public is too sluggish to bother with life-related threats and challenges. Rather, it is that grand lie of ‘there’s nothing we can do about this or that’ which has been systematically inculcated unto their minds which has resulted in a cognitive incapacitation and resignation; hence, their submission to every circumstance which transpires around them.
Absent-mindedness has thus far been the greatest offering brought before the altar of Imbecile. And, sadly, they were those who pledged to inform and enlighten the masses who rendered such a gift to the infamous deity.
“Safe Fresh Water Shortages.” Valdai Club, valdaiclub.com/multimedia/infographics/safe-fresh-water-shortages/?fbclid=IwAR2yzh-D9psY1Eprzm-iI4ZiOAY12uYCfcGnOo81t9BCcXWX-ZsSY8f-CDM. Accessed 11 July 2021.
“The Water in You: Water and the Human Body.” USGS.gov | Science for a Changing World, 22 Oct. 2019, www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/water-you-water-and-human-body?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects.
Williams, Matt. “What Percent of Earth is Water?” Phys.org – News and Articles on Science and Technology, 2 Dec. 2014, phys.org/news/2014-12-percent-earth.html.