In January last year, I wrote a piece on how the great powers were sleepwalking back to 1914. What has changed since, is that one party (i.e., the West) is no longer sleepwalking but consciously accelerating full-speed thither 1914. After the simulation of the unsuccessful bomb which preceded the “Sarajevo gunshot”—that is, the sabotage of the NordStream pipelines—on 27 September 2022, failed to trigger the issuing of an ultimatum from the Russian side, the political echelons in the West have shifted gears to a more explicit approach.
On 25 January 2023, after weeks of resistance whilst being pressured by their NATO allies, the Germans ultimately succumbed to the will of their American overlords, and agreed to send leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine, thereby crossing Chancellor Scholz’ designated red line. Notwithstanding, Germany unreasonably maintains its narrative of not having declared war on Russia. Now, by every universally conceived norm and rule of human warfare, such a démarche is a declaration of war by default. In other words, the rational mind unequivocally rejects even the remotest feigning of plausible deniability on this account; for it is, in truth, implausible.
But what should we make of the German stance?
In no other instance, the expression, “Behaving like hens and ostriches at once,” applies in a more manifestly accurate manner than it does vis-á-vis supplying Ukraine with leopard tanks. Clearly, however, Germany has been strong-armed by the United States and other NATO members—namely Poland. But this fact does not, in any way, absolve Germany from full responsibility for providing combat offensive machinery (i.e. leopard 2 tanks) to a party in an active war; much less exonerate Annalena Baerbock, the German Foreign Minister, from owning her own words. “We are fighting a war against Russia, and not against each other,” she said; then accused Moscow of twisting her “dovish and peace advancing” words out of context (being sarcastic here!) [emphasis added: how about this for behaving like hens and ostriches at once?].

Yes, Germany has been constantly pressurized; and, granted, Chancellor Scholz was under insufferable domestic and foreign strain to send tanks; nevertheless, good sense should have prevailed over petty politics, and Germany should’ve never caved; because Chancellor Scholz knows very well that the mere pronouncement of intent on sending those tanks is per se an act of war.
For let us consider the matter thus: if Scholz doesn’t or didn’t know that, why did he, few months back, tell the German Parliament and the Foreign Affairs Committee that it is a line of escalation—a red line (“As Germany & U.S. Agree on Tanks for Ukraine, German MP Accuses U.S. of Pushing Berlin into Proxy War”)?
Burying their heads in the sand like ostriches to feign innocuousness and goodwill, or casting the blame in the direction of the United States to flee the frontlines like hens, cannot obscure the true predatory nature of leopards. The world stage is not as ridiculously absurd as Western streets and social media platforms. One cannot offend and evade retribution by being the first to cry and post a video with their complaint. The courts of reason do not tolerate this level of insolence to the human mind.
I hate to drill some very big holes in the boat they are trying to float, but this is no domestic game of wokeness played by kindergarteners (e.g. the likes of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris), and whether they admit it or not the fate of the human race hangs in the balance.
If it wasn’t for President Putin’s reticence and unparalleled prudence, Russia would have declared war on Germany already—which would have been the automatic and natural response of any other international actor. Luckily, for the German public and the whole world, President Putin wouldn’t stoop to his counterparts’ lunacy. Even if he chooses to officially declare war on Germany, President Putin would have every right as per human reason to do so, within the bounds of countering aggression.
One thing for certain though, the West can’t keep bullshitting its way through the Ukraine War, without bringing the horror of war upon its own populace.
That is precisely why the general public in the West need to wake up and keep their politicians in check! For every step or act the latter take is making such eventuality (war) all the more inevitable.
Who are they bullshitting anyway? How events will unravel is plain to the meanest intelligence!
I am no military expert; still, anyone who has ever read any account on war strategies and application of capabilities would know that tanks with no aerial support and advancing infantry to consolidate territorial gains will not produce any lasting utility. Having that said, whether it’s Scholz or the boys in Washington, they surely are all privy to this conventional military wisdom; which makes one wary of their true intentions.
How so?
Well, what are the facts?
By general accounts, Ukraine has incurred north of 150,000 casualties, between KIA and MIA, since the war broke out. And, like it or not, deny it who will, the current state of the standing Ukrainian Armed Forces is pitiable.
So, first the ask was for tanks; then, as soon as that request was granted, Zelensky started asking for fighter jets—F-16s, in particular. It necessarily follows, therefore, according to the natural course of events, that the soonest he receives them he would then ask for the deployment of troops.
And, are we to expect a less enthusiastic reaction from the warmongers in Washington or neo-Nazis in Europe to the request for troops? Obviously, their response would be: “We thought you’d never ask!”
So, ultimately, why the bullshitting?
Harry G. Frankfurt (2005) makes a very clear distinction between a bullshitter and a liar in his book, “On Bullshit,” which is:
Put simply, the incumbent political class in the West are fully aware that Russia is doing everything in its power to avert a WWIII scenario, as they themselves are pushing such scenario forward from every angle. Still, they are neither trying to reveal nor conceal this truth. Less than a week ago, the United States compelled the German Chancellor to announce that Germany was going to send tanks to Ukraine; whilst, for their part, Abrams M1 tanks won’t be delivered until the end of the year.
In a nutshell, they were hoping that Russia would declare war on Germany and ipso facto NATO on the spot; hence bear the full responsibility for WWIII.
Nevertheless, why bullshitting their way through, still? Will they have the audacity to elude their aggression against Russia, after boots get on the ground in the battlefield? The world is not woke-dumb as their population. But even the woke-dummies yet have survival mechanisms—one would hope [emphasis added].
In fine, the sole purpose of their bullshitting is to pass time by until the Third World War is an irreversible fait accompli.
Hence, to the Western population I say: wake up now, before you do to World War III!
Related publication: “Sleepwalking back to 1914: A State of Imminent Danger of War?” And,
“Nord Stream 2: More Than a Pipeline [Part IV: The Apparition of Sarajevo 1914]”
“As Germany & U.S. Agree on Tanks for Ukraine, German MP Accuses U.S. of Pushing Berlin into Proxy War.” Democracy Now!, 25 Jan. 2023, Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.