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About Me

I’m a Master in International Relations,  who happens to entertain a profound interest in humanities (i.e. philosophy, history, and religious studies, etc.). My research and work is primarily focused on U.S.-Russian relations. I also hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a Major in Finance.

My independent writing journey commenced couple years ago with several essays and a pamphlet published on (, in addition to a book, “U.S.-Russian Exceptionalism: Intelligence, MAD, and Détente,” published on Apple Books (store link:, and few LinkedIn articles (

At the behest of some readers, I decided to launch this blog to share my insights on major international developments—chiefly pertaining to U.S.-Russian Relations—; set the light upon daunting social dilemmas; and, contribute in the best means possible to the amelioration of the human condition.

In fine, this is simply me pursuing my passion.