On Thursday February 24, 2022, Russia launched a ‘special military operation’ /or/ ‘invasion’ in Ukraine. Now, it is not my intention to flutter the dovecotes…
Posts published in “Matter of Truth”
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Winter Olympics are over TODAY; and, the gold medalist in every category is: President Vladimir Putin of Russia. “Russia said Tuesday…
WHILE A MILITARY SHOWDOWN, OR LIMITED ACTION OF SORTS, YET LOOMS AS A POSSIBILITY; an invasive occupation of Ukraine remains out of any Russian calculation;…
If it comes down to one living person whom the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) should summon as a special guest of…
The immortal marketing credo, “customer is king,” is utterly shattered at the doorstep of Country X. In fact, it is brought to the most humiliating…
The anti-Nord-Stream camp has been keen in preaching the doctrine of Russian heinous imperial stratagem: to clandestinely beguile Europe to receive the Trojan horse (i.e.…
All eyes on the borders! But, which borders: the Russian-Ukrainian or the Polish-Belarusian borders? Well, it doesn’t really matter so long the borders of concern…
Normalcy and genius are not mutually exclusive. Nevertheless, normalcy cannot comprehend genius in full; nor can the latter clothe itself with the former without considerable…
For those wanting in philosophy and spirit, death is a terminal point: the end of life as we know it. A grand finale, or closure,…