For those wanting in philosophy and spirit, death is a terminal point: the end of life as we know it. A grand finale, or closure,…
Posts published in “Matter of Truth”
Throughout the course of our social relationships and interactions, we often feel duped, back-stabbed, and taken advantage of by others. The descriptive term usually employed…
The colossal underwater project, known as Nord Stream 2, is more than a gas pipeline. It is a symbolic solidification of the eternal and inalterable…
Ever since the Afghan President fled the country on Sunday August 15th, slightly over couple weeks ago, and the Taliban advanced on the country’s capital,…
The inscription on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, Greece, is a triple imperative life guideline: “Know thyself! Nothing in excess [or, too much]! Make…
How we count ‘poles’ in the international political system has a considerable impact on the efficacy of multilateralism. Traditionally, the recognition of acting units as…
There is an international cohort made of politicians, political scientists, and analysts, as well as students of international politics that holds the conviction that the…
““Interdependence” is the catchword of the day. As is with catchwords, the term usually goes undefined.”—Kenneth N. Waltz Just as gold is alloyed with…
Multilateralism, both in theory and principle, is all very fine and beneficial for all state actors in the international political system. Simply put, it is…