In the Age of the Imbecile, one begins to wonder for how much longer will the term ‘human’ remain in use. More so, for how much longer will it continue to be an all-inclusive label for the entire species. The problem does not lie in new additions to language that would do away with the marginalization of some groups and foster their social representation and inclusion. Rather, it lies in the destructive nature of the trajectory that the mechanism of making those additions undertake.

The headline of the day, the debate on gender, is the best illustration of this practice. When queer genders and communities of varied sexual orientations took to the streets demanding legal rights, their aim was not to abolish the primary two classes of gender i.e. male and female—much less to dismantle the notion of traditional family. What they sought, and yet seek, was securing a normal life [emphasis added] for themselves—free from prejudice, condemnation, and persecution.
Having that said, the movement’s chief end was the non-alienation, i.e. the acceptance and integration, of those communities. Unfortunately, however, as events developed, those individuals and couples were ‘politically’ [emphasis added] formed and ordered into crowds. Wherein, from a socio-psychological standpoint, the manipulative few (who are often external figures with agendas for their personal advancement) become the masters; whilst suggestibility prevails over common sense and sound reason as the guiding force for mass action.
[see, “Hordes: The Extermination of the Conscious Individual”]
Thus, we see this heinous and unabashedly hate-breeding media campaign swarming our newsfeed, depicting anything pertaining to the traditional family and its conventional moral values as tyrannical bondage to social freedom. In fact, this ‘anti-conventional’ smearing campaign calls to my mind the words of one Henry Adams, “Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.”
If one looks close enough, they cannot fail to detect the similitude between this ‘cognitive-priming’ of today’s propaganda and that which numbed the cognitive faculties of the masses and smoothly distributed them across the chain of production, during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Workers, then, were only cognizant of ‘their own task,’ whilst having no understanding whatsoever of the entire process. Likewise, people nowadays go on marches and shout-out slogans [at the top of their lungs!], deluding themselves about having given the words they utter any considerable thought.
That is all very fine, really! compared to supporting policies for incorporating ‘gender-awareness’ in classroom teachings for children. Now, I must say this in the most unapologetic manner: whosoever came out with this idea had ultimately succeeded in dethroning Imbecile as the god of STUPIDITY. At such age, a great many of those kids still think that the only difference between girls and boys is the way they do ‘pepe’—i.e. take a piss—, standing or seated. In what realm of consciousness [much emphasis added here!] Should we ask kids who can hardly, if at all, tell the difference between orange and mango ice cream to choose their damn gender?! Does depravity know no boundaries?!
Furthermore, by what right do some endeavor to deprive mothers and fathers from their sense of motherhood and fatherhood? Breastfeeding is a sacred maternal bond inferior to none but that of the womb—wherein the placenta provides requisite nourishment for the fetus via the umbilical cord. Human milk—they say! Perhaps it has skipped their pitiable minds that by prefixing ‘human’ to it they don’t compensate for the dehumanization of the term. It is not just milk! Not any milk! It is literally produced by the female body from the nutrients within! To put it simply, it is a process in which a mother continues to sacrifice, graciously, her energy for the sustenance of her child. It cannot be written off our consciousness, nor off of the dictionary. It is pure love in its pristine form. No one! peasant or prince, individual or crowd, alike, has the right to belittle this.
In summary, of all species roaming this earth, we are the most conscious, yet the least aware of the dangers of internal-divide. For millennia, we have done an admirable job—ever since we have organized ourselves into polities; and, found that craft for managing our affairs, politics—in dividing ourselves. It has perhaps consumed the largest portion of our contemplative exertion. Nationality, class, ideology, race and gender, etc. This whole practice of division, segregation, and classification has had obscured the divinely natural state of our unity, i.e. oneness. Admittedly, we remain unique and distinct individuals. Notwithstanding, we must constantly and unfailingly heed the indubitable natural fact that we are but one human race; lest we deprive ourselves from our humanity, and face extinction each on their own.
Lastly, we ought to learn from experience. In his speech at a plenary session of the 18th annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club, President Putin warned of this ‘reversed discrimination’ and the endeavor to create a ‘new consciousness,’ as he recounted the repercussions of the Soviet social project, “I repeat, this is nothing new [my formatting]; in the 1920s, the so-called Soviet Kulturtraegers also invented some newspeak [my formatting] believing they were creating a new consciousness and changing values that way. And, as I have already said, they made such a mess it still makes one shudder at times.” (“Valdai Discussion Club Meeting”)
Valdai Discussion Club Meeting. 21 Oct. 2021, Accessed 31 Oct. 2021.