As the international community holds its breath in anticipation of the imminent Israeli retaliation to Iran’s missile attack on the Nevatim air base, and continues to idly observe Netanyahu further escalating the situation in both Lebanon and Syria, the infernal hand of war casts its shadow over the East Asia region.
On Sunday September 29, “US President Joe Biden approved $567 million in defense assistance for Taiwan, the White House said, as China ramps up political and military pressure on the self-ruled island,” (Staff Writer With AFP).
Later same week, on Wednesday October 2, “South Korea has shown off its most powerful ballistic missile for the first time in an annual military parade which signals the country’s readiness to respond to North Korean threats,” (“S Korea’s Hyunmoo-5 ‘monster Missile’ Takes Centre Stage at Military Parade”).

And, during the early morning hours of Thursday October 3, out of sheer coincidence, Israel carried out an attack on Russian military warehouses in the vicinity of Russia’s Khmeimim base in the Syrian coast. Subsequently, the Russian ambassador to Tel Aviv advised Russian citizens to leave Israel before it is too late [emphasis added].
It doesn’t take more than two neurons fired up in one’s brain to realize that the concurrence of all these events cannot be fortuitous, but by design—a contingency plan set in motion as soon as “Operation Zelensky the Clown” has hit a dead end. The great and chief end thereof, is to set the international mise-en scène for a World War Three scenario, one which neither Russia nor China can evade.
For the truth of the matter is this:
It is a pure naïveté at this juncture to even remotely hope by the farthest stretch of the imagination that the relentlessly industrious diabolical powers in the West would even permit for de-escalation, much less peace, to manifest on any geographical patch that holds Russian or Chinese interests. These powers feed on war and international crises. The strife is that of a moribund hegemony against a promising multipolarity.
During his July visit to the United States, “Netanyahu’s proposal for a ‘decisive war’ against his Lebanese nemesis [mapped] out the road to a war with Russia, via few small detours. It follows the domino effect; that each proxy drags its patron great power into the conflict; wherein it unfolds into a West-Russia confrontation by extension.

This proposal found favor with Washington’s warmongers, who have now come to the conviction that Russia has already triumphed in Ukraine. Hence, they charged Netanyahu with one simple and clear directive: do whatever it takes, by ‘blood and iron’ if must needs be. Nothing is to be left for chance—especially with U.S. Presidential Elections at the door.
But Russia is not the only world power that keeps American hawks up at night; there is the United chief economic rival, i.e. China.

The dispute over Taiwan’s sovereignty, and how sensitive the topic is to China, needs no introduction nor explanation, as it has become common knowledge to the average spectator of international politics. Throughout recent history, U.S. aid has proven to be nothing beyond an instrument of control. Having that said, today they send half a billion in defense assistance; the next, they command Taiwan to start a war with China—one which the former would surely lose, but would still keep the latter preoccupied, if not serve as a pretense for the West to declare war on China in the name of democracy.
And guess who has a mutual defense treaty with China? Russia. Quelle surprise!

With respect to South Korea’s military parade, the signals and intent are clear enough, one would hope. South Korea would never have felt the urge to display and signal such provocation without assurances or orders from the West in general, and the United States in particular.
As per The Guardian, during president Putin’s visit to Pyongyang last June, “The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, have signed a pact that includes a clause requiring the countries to come to each other’s aid if either is attacked, a move that has raised western concerns about potential Russian aid for Pyongyang’s missile or nuclear programmes,” (“Russia and North Korea Sign Mutual Defence Pact”).
Again, what a coincidental concurrence?
In a nutshell, from Ukraine to the Middle-East to East Asia, every démarche and military escapade has originated from the Russia desk in the United States.
Fruit for thought…
Related Publications: “Trump’s Assassination Attempt, Netanyahu U.S. Visit, and Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony: Destroying the Possibility of Peace;” “Regardless… War Is Coming…” “Regardless… War Is Coming… [Part II];” and, “How Could the Middle-East Be the End of NATO: A Scenario;” and, “Middle-East: War Is at Hand, What Is Next?”
“Russia and North Korea Sign Mutual Defence Pact.” The Guardian, 19 June 2024,
“S Korea’s Hyunmoo-5 ‘monster Missile’ Takes Centre Stage at Military Parade.” Al Jazeera, 2 Oct. 2024,
Staff Writer With AFP. “Biden Approves $567M Defense Assistance for Taiwan.” The Defense Post, 30 Sept. 2024,