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Poor Erasmus Had Missed the Best Praise of Folly: A Conclusive Refutation of Atheism

The great Desiderius Erasmus, who penned The Praise of Folly in the early years of the sixteenth century, is tremendously tormented in his grave having had missed the best praise folly is due. His soul is envious of each single one of us for being alive today. How could he not? For this Age of the Imbecile is the golden era in Folly’s reign. 


Let’s challenge the high-priests of Folly: the universe is created by random nothingness imbeciles. The pillar of their dogma rests upon the premise that there is no empirical evidence for the existence of God. But what empirical evidence do they offer to explain creation or the existence of the universe? 


They theorize an aleatory explosion, a Big Bang, that hypothetically took place billions of years ago. Fine. If such explosion or collision of atoms did in fact take place; assuming that it had happened billions of years past; and, that we’ve successfully calculated an approximate time for its occurrence, and let us allow millions of years for our margin of error; the question remains: Can they determine with absolute certainty whether that event is recurrent or not? In case it is recurrent, does it recur at regular or irregular time intervals? And, most importantly, does the universe recreate itself; or another is created in coexistence with the existing one; or does the new one destroy and replace each universe which preceded it?


If the maintained argument is that it is a one-time cosmic event, ought we then to believe the universe is finite? For if we can conclude with apodeictic certainty that it is a one-time event, then it necessarily follows that we have determined, beyond a shadow of doubt, the beginning and end of the universe. Thereupon, mathematically speaking, the theoretical conception of infinity, as a number or state, is fundamentally impossible. How so?


Infinity as a concept implies endless continuation of a series, something, or condition. But if the term which we use for existence (i.e. the only infinite notion in absolute terms), the universe, has an end, or the regeneration thereof is calculable from inception or to a terminal point; then, it is either that existence is finite and infinity is rendered impossible; or, an infinite condition or Someone beyond/outside the universe exists and causes it (the finite universe) to exist—that is, Yahweh in Hebrew.  


Therefore, when we declare the universe infinite, we simultaneously confess the limitations of our mathematical knowledge and the absence of empirical evidence that enable us to determine the inception and termination thereof. For the admission of one necessarily enforces the confession of the other by the power of reason. In other words, we ought to acknowledge our lack of knowledge and understanding as to when and how the universe came into existence. 


Alternatively, the existence of Yahweh, Who not only exists and causes to exist, but the only Being who exists independent of the creation entire, is attested by great wonders wrought and documented since times of old. Contrariwise, the cosmic accidental explosion—which is “theorized to be independent of external force”— has no empirical remnants except for unfathomable celestial particles that were hypothetically considered as “evidence”.


As such, one is much more rest assured in believing and depending on The God who hath wrought great wonders; incarnated and walked among us—who resurrected the dead and wielded natural elements at will before eye witnesses—within the span of memorable history; and whose Holy Name the entire creation vividly and loudly glorifies, than the pitiable wits and paradoxically limited but “definite” science of fellow humans who are no smarter than he is (just a nice way to say they’re idiots with degrees). 


Why entrust one’s life unto those who have eyes but may not see, and hear but may not understand?


You see, the truth is simple and needs no lengthy explication nor interpretation, but men began to reject simple things and philosophize to appease their ego, as Paulo Coelho puts it in “The Alchemist”. The truth is this: The Lord God; the Lord God is everything. Not a single word or letter needs to be added to that. 


In a nutshell, until the entire science of mathematics be wholly revised and infinity—upon which the entire calculation for the existence of the cosmos rests—is omitted, or someone is able to logically explain how both infinity and a cosmic Big Bang are simultaneously possible while satisfying my erstwhile inquiries, the argument for the nonexistence of God is debunked forever.


As to why they have trouble understanding the existence of the Most High God, well… 

“The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant,” (Psalm 25:14 KJV).