WHILE A MILITARY SHOWDOWN, OR LIMITED ACTION OF SORTS, YET LOOMS AS A POSSIBILITY; an invasive occupation of Ukraine remains out of any Russian calculation;…
Posts tagged as “ВладимирПутин”
All eyes on the borders! But, which borders: the Russian-Ukrainian or the Polish-Belarusian borders? Well, it doesn’t really matter so long the borders of concern…
Taking the floor from the rostrum at the eighteenth annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin,…
It is beyond any doubt that the management of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was JFK’s greatest success vis-á-vis the Soviet Union. Thirteen days…
In an ABC News exclusive interview, President Biden clearly stated that President Putin and himself ‘understand one another’ (Biden). He couldn’t be more right!…