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Posts tagged as “Politics”

Nord Stream 2: More than a Pipeline [Part II: Migrants Border Crisis and Russian Military Build-up on Ukraine’s Border]

All eyes on the borders! But, which borders: the Russian-Ukrainian or the Polish-Belarusian borders? Well, it doesn’t really matter so long the borders of concern…

Some Political Wisdom Extended unto Everyday Life: “A Policy of Sentiment Is Dangerous, for It Is One-sided” [Bismarckian Philosophy on Diplomacy]

Laid out brilliantly, by Otto von Bismarck, within the context of ‘the proper use of principles in matters of diplomacy’ in regard of Prussia’s foreign…

Wrongfully Vilified Peacemakers: A Case for Intelligence Indispensability for the Preservation of Peace

For some years now, the anti-‘peacetime’-intelligence ode has been sung on domestic and international platforms. The choir includes: pundits, journalists, and conspiracy theorists, politicians, social…