Since time immemorial, as old as the transition from the pre-social to the post-social state of nature, as construed by Enlightenment philosophers, namely Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke, and the inception of society, is the strife of freedom against the infernal forces of tyranny. Lacking overarching principles, the latter is not only wicked and cruel, but devious too. Tyranny takes many forms, and usually comes under the guise of benevolence, initially, to lure the easily suggestible crowd into its snare—hence, turning them into accomplices in the destruction of their own freedom. Similar to how viruses alter their shape to circumvent antibodies and infect the cells.
There was the tyranny of one person; that of a minority; and, the tyranny of a majority. But the tyranny that the presumably ‘free world’ is suffering these days is of different nature. It isn’t labeled neither on ideological nor on numerical basis; rather, on the basis of intellect and the utter lack thereof i.e. imbecility. Simply put, it is the tyranny of the imbecile.
The tyranny of the imbecile has infiltrated every aspect of public and private life, and has instigated an unholy purge of the intellectual and enlightened. The first article in its manifesto is the abolition of sensus communis (common sense). Even the leader of the ‘free world’, the president of the most powerful democracy, fears to speak his own mind, lest he offends the loud and ignorant crowd [emphasis added]—and, as a result, be out of office come the next elections. In truth, the loud and ignorant crowd is, in effect, dictating what the president of the most powerful democracy may think. That being said, it is no longer a demos kratos (rule by the people); rather, it is the rule of the loudest.

Contrary to the imbecile, the intellectual and enlightened are bred in the ancient school of paideía (παιδεία)—i.e. of taming the self. They have been baptized in the fountain of eternity; thenceforth, they emerged filled with the spirit of Sophie (wisdom); girded with courage; and crowned with temperance. They are an anachronistic class of nobility. They take their angst to the desk, rather than the streets; they let out their steam with the strokes of their pens and keyboards, in articulation, instead of unsettling the public order; and, foremost, they allow with dignity the possibility of their fallibility.
What an awe inspiring quality: allowing with dignity the possibility of one’s own fallibility?

This actually calls to my mind the words of Bertrand Russell, “The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt,” (“The Triumph of Stupidity”). The untrained mind (in philosophical esoteric, that is) would hastily deduce that being “full of doubt” is an indication of cowardice combined with ignorance. But in reality, what Russell intended to communicate was, that the intelligent would, besides checking the veracity of their thoughts many times over prior to making them known to others, they would incessantly ponder whether it is absolutely necessary (i.e. they must be of essential utility) to share them; hence, the reservation (i.e. doubt).
Furthermore, abiding to a bygone and transcendent ethos, the intellectual and enlightened take to heart Benjamin Franklin’s recommendation, “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” Which is, in essence, a call to exercise temperance when it matters most; thus, they wouldn’t say anything they are unable to verify with apodeictic certainty.
On the other side, the imbeciles are quick to speak (make noise, to be more precise), take to the streets, and disturb public order. Their credo is the abnegation of reason. Their rhetoric is always at a crescendo, so that it distorts and mutes all others. They devise the rights that the enlightened have emphatically labored to grant them, in the most despicable, ungrateful, and exploitive manner, to persecute the latter [emphasis added].
They malignantly employ benign terminology to suppress any opinion or factual statement that expose their idiocy or the absurdity of their rationale (i.e. irrationality), such as: political correctness and tolerance. They enforce trivialities—which are mostly private matters, of no consequence whatsoever to the collective interest and wellbeing of the populace—over the political sphere, ‘while Rome burns’. Furthermore, the imbeciles vilify man and blame him for their misfortune, as though man is Satan’s primary contender for the crown of hell.
A good person can be anything but man; for the latter is born of hell. As such, he ought to be banished or oppressed. He must never speak his mind. “He,” as a matter of fact, is the first documented perpetrator of “hate speech,” in the dominion of the imbecile.
THE IMBECILE HAS UNAPOLOGETICALLY BLOTTED OUT HISTORY AS IT IS. For imbeciles, their tyranny marks the commencement of the story of person (their alternative term for ‘human’). They incriminate anyone who refers to a period of time antecedent to their designated ‘dawn of time’—or, dares to scantly suggest that such an expanse of time ever was. They feign ignorance with respect to the fact that those freedoms they enjoy, were conferred upon them, mainly, as fruits of the toil, bleeding, and death of virtuous, courageous, and selfless great MEN.
All imbeciles have opinions on every matter; and, in spite of how paradoxical these opinions may be when considered in sum and contemplated simultaneously; they demand, as their inherent and inalienable right, that all of them, in defiance to sound reason, be recognized as facts [emphasis added] by the public and the state under the rule of law.
Under the rule of such imbecilic [emphasis added] law, the decalogue is downsized to four commandments:
- Thou shalt not engage in intellectualism.
- Thy mind shalt be confined to the parameters of your underwear—it shalt not rise above your waistline, that is.
- Honor the emotional bubble, in which the imbecile is swaddled.
- Thou shalt not call out their holiness, “The crowd,” on their bullshit.
I better stop here, before I earn myself a crucifixion for “perverting the minds of the youth”.
Got the reference?
In a nutshell, as the celebrated John Stuart Mill (Yes, a man!) had observed: “It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question.”
Related Publications: “What Is the Age of the Imbecile?” &. “Hordes: the Extermination of the Conscious Individual”