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Trump’s Assassination Attempt, Netanyahu U.S. Visit, and Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony: Destroying the Possibility of Peace

Earlier this month, we bore witness to an assassination attempt on Trump. Eleven days afterwards, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his speech to the U.S. Congress. And on Friday, an outrageously blasphemous Olympic opening ceremony took place in the French capital. What do these three events have in common? Taken individually, each stirred public outcry in its own way: the first blow was of political nature; the second of ethical/humanitarian nature; whilst the third was served on a religious front. Jointly, however, they have the sole purpose of destroying the possibility of peace and advancing the necessity of war. 


“The philosophers are mistaken when they explain necessity as a unity of possibility and actuality—no, actuality is the unity of possibility and necessity,” (Kierkegaard 36).


Consider the attempt on the former U.S. President’s life. What transpired on Saturday July 13, during Donald J. Trump’s speech at a Pennsylvania rally goes beyond U.S. partisan and petty domestic politics—which are merely fertile soils for exploitation in a greater global scheme. It primarily shows how deeply invested are some powers in the enterprise of war. It also proves that such powers in the West are willing to do whatever it takes for U.S. foreign policy, namely vis-á-vis Russia, to maintain its course towards the eventuality of war. That is to say, to ensure the actuality of war, the possibility of peace must be completely and continually destroyed, such that only the necessity for war remains [emphasis added].


The Western narrative, which is still prevalent since the beginning of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, revolves around the necessity of war and rests upon three such necessities. That war is necessary to repel Russian aggression. That war is necessary to protect democracy in the world. That the freedom of continental Europe resides entirely in a ‘limited’ war to keep Russia’s expansionism in check. Even the possibility of peace has been reduced to fit into the confinement of war—peace through war, that is. 


Trump assassination attempt
Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is surrounded by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign rally, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pa. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Trump, steadfast in his anti “war with Russia” stance, has made it increasingly difficult for the mainstream media propaganda machine to sell the necessities for war to a huge denomination of the American public. More daunting still to the powers vested in the war project against Russia, is the prospect of this businessman’s re-election into the oval office; who has openly stated time and again his intention to strike a deal with Russia to end the war in Ukraine and restore the status quo ante of détente between Russia and the West, should he be re-elected. Consequently, a second term for Trump lends support to the continuation of the possibility of peace. 


Likewise, Netanyahu’s visit to the United States and address to Congress destroys the possibility of peace, but not by advancing the necessity of war. No. Here, war is a fait accompli [emphasis added]. The purpose of Netanyahu’s visit, Congress address, and subsequent meetings with key players in U.S. politics (the Republican nominee Donald Trump, to name one) is to set the scope of an Israeli-Hezbollah war. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress in Washington
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., July 24, 2024. REUTERS/Craig Hudson


That Netanyahu’s political career is moribund, has been established prior to last year’s October 7th. As a matter of fact, the breach of October 7th has thrown a lifeline to Netanyahu’s career and prolonged his days in the office of prime minister. Some nine months hence, with Gaza leveled to the ground, the possibility of his political downfall remains as high as it was on October 6th, 2023. Such being the case, Hezbollah no longer serves the purpose of the boogieman for the the Israeli Prime Minister to stay in power; now, the urge is for a decisive victory—one that would sweep the Israeli public so much off their feet, that they come to see in Netanyahu a modern day David. 


But what does this mean to the warmongering powers in U.S. and Western politics? How does it help their agenda for a war between the West and Russia?


A photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service of President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday in Kyiv.Credit…Ukrainian Presidential Press Service, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images | via @NYTimes

Operation Zelensky the Clown failed to produce the sought end for two years. Today, Netanyahu’s proposal for a ‘decisive war’ against his Lebanese nemesis maps out the road to a war with Russia, via few small detours. It follows the domino effect; that each proxy drags its patron great power into the conflict; wherein it unfolds into a West-Russia confrontation by extension. 



If Israel wipes out Hezbollah, or so much attempts to do that in the literal sense of the word [emphasis added], Iran will have no other choice but to come to Hezbollah’s aid; lest the Iranian Supreme Leader loses his credibility. Upon Iranian involvement, the United States and the United Kingdom will surely haste to back Israel. Thereupon, should Russia stand idle, the West will make further territorial claims in the region; which may involve ousting Assad, Russia’s longstanding ally. That would be a course of geopolitical events and feats of Western power reminiscent of bezporiadok: a decade from recent history that President Putin alongside millions of Russians have vowed the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ vow to it. 


Therefore, the possibility of peace faces a sincere threat of annihilation, if the Israeli-Hezbollah war to assume the decisive scope Netanyahu has in mind.


As to the third event, the Paris 2024 opening ceremony, though I share the public outrage vis-á-vis such heinous blasphemy; in spite of that offence being a degenerate misrepresentation of a hyperreal depiction of the Last Super; and that it made blood boil in my veins; but I choose to remain focused in serving my Lord God’s purpose of peace. The show was evidently a dialectical synthesis of provocation and appeasement. A provocation, for it intended to intoxicate Christians of the West with rage and hatred to commit acts of public violence; and thereby tilt the scale of the moderate political substratum in the West in favor of woke liberals. An appeasement, for it reassured woke halfwits of the continuation of the ruling class’ endorsement of their lunacies. 


Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony
Paris Olympics mocks Last Supper

Now that it has been dialectically understood, it is time to expose its true diabolical purpose. Keeping the citizenry politically oblivious and divided into two opposing groups, whilst one is agitated and the other is sedated, the U.S. plans to deploy offensive missiles in Germany; which fundamentally violates the terms of the Cold War German Unification Agreement [See Post-Soviet Russian-Western Relations [Part II: German Unification]]. This move is an implicit declaration of war against Russia.


 In this last case, peace as a possibility is not destroyed by means of making war necessary; rather, by means of making foreign policy absolutely trivial to the public. 





Related Publications: “Regardless… War Is Coming…” And “Post-Soviet Russian-Western Relations [Part II: German Unification]”





Kierkegaard, Søren. The Sickness Unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening. Princeton UP, 1980.


  1. […] Almost two and a half years through the Ukraine War, Zelensky the Clown has failed to light the fuse of a European war; which would inevitably become a NATO-Russia war. During his latest visit to the United States, however, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made the case for a decisive regional war that would involve Iran and eventually embroil Russia; given that the West would come to Israel’s aid, that is [See “Trump’s Assassination Attempt, Netanyahu U.S. Visit, and Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony: Destr…].  […]

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